That's the number so far. By 5 times, the largest group on MYBO. Its a sad state of affairs all around... but the interesting thing is that they created a very effective social networking site and then when the candidate betrays his Progressive base... no less on a CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE... the issue that Progressives hold most dear... then your community will become your own worst enemy. Articles abound throughout the media and blogosphere about this phenomenon and I frankly find it more than fascinating to watch. I'll reprint a copy of my listserv inbox later to show the level of anger being directed at the presumed nominee for the Democratic party. It could change now.
One of the things I find most interesting is a move by the MYBO FISA group to organize and begin contacting delegates and registering their feelings. This will hit at the heart of the presumed nominee and if delegates start to bail... all hell could break loose unless Obama somehow, someway, stops the bleeding. I am now going to reprint a letter that one MYBO FISA member posted to the group. Its a letter she wrote to her delegate who happens to be in the district (I believe) where the convention is being held.
To Mari, the CD15 delegate to DENVER:)
After today's vote in the Senate approving the passage of the FISA bill, wherein Senator Obama voted in its favor, I am withdrawing from the campaign. Many times on the campaign trail I've been asked "why should I vote for Obama?" And I've answered, "because Senator Obama will bring us back our Constitution that has been shredded by the Bush administration. I have spent most of today in tears, and have spent many more days discussing this issue with other Obama supporters. There are 30,000 of us, represented by the largest group on mybo, in shock over Senator Obama's decision: Senator Obama - Please Vote NO on Telecom Immunity - Get FISA Right.
When I called the Chicago Obama headquarters today I actually reached and spoke with two live aides. Admittedly, during the first conversation, I cried, but made my message loud and clear and coherent.
Barack was given a second chance to live up to his promise to uphold the Constitution today on the Senate floor. He failed to provide either an explanation to his supporters for his support of the FISA bill,or to to vote against it. Oddly, Senator Clinton, for whatever reason, voted against it.
Mari, you, as our elected delegate, represent the constituents and, as such, are required to listen to the voice of the people, even when we are dissenting.
A time line of Senator Obama's stand on the FISA bill, which strips our constitutional rights, follows. His most recent statement of July 3 contradicts all previous promises.
My letter to Senator Obama follows:
Dear Senator Obama,
Your decision today to support the FISA bill has nullified my belief in you and your campaign for change and hope.
My passion is gone; it has vanished having seen your behavior in the face of putting action where your mouth is. Today, you had the opportunity to speak out as a scholar of Constitutional law to uphold our Constitution, but did not. Today you had the opportunity to vote to uphold our Constitution but did not. Yet you are in fact, under oath to do so.
Senator Obama, If you do remain the candidate after the Convention, which I now believe will be a disputed and brokered convention, I will still vote for you, but only with the diminished enthusiasm of a "lesser of two evils" vote. I am appalled by your unwillingness to speak up on the Senate floor yesterday or today against this egregious piece of legislation. For whatever reason, Senator Clinton changed her mind and opposed the FISA legislation, unlike you. Supporting FISA was not necessary to win over the conservative vote; it only makes you look disingenuous in the eyes of the nation.
Please return all donations I have made to your campaign. I will give this money, and more as I can afford, to Senator Feingold's effort to support our Constitution.
What do I tell my 87 year old parents who were long time Clinton supporters who I've passionately converted to your campaign? They have too much class and compassion to say to me: "I told you so".By the way, Ralph Nader has posted "I told you so" to the mybo blog.
Since I began campaigning for you in January, I had put aside most of my efforts for my small business, and intended to do so until you were elected. Now I've now changed my mind. You are not who I thought you were. You are not the candidate who promised to support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies.
I have donated countless hours to your campaign; this can't be replaced. I have entreated hours of aid from my 12 year old son for your campaign; this can't be replaced. My passion has been felt by all those I'm around; from my neighbors to the grocery store to the gas station and to hours on the campaign trail.
This too is irreplaceable.
I am heartbroken.
Good luck to you, Senator.
More Buyer's Remorse For MAGA Voter As DOGE Terminates Her
Pretty sure all of these MAGA Trump voters would be fine with horrible,
arbitrary firings of anyone else but them.
Source: Reuters
8 hours ago
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